Find out more about Healthier Futures and its trusted provider, Xyla Health and Wellbeing
Healthier Futures is a healthcare services provider for residents of East Riding. It offers free lifestyle change programmes that help people lose weight, stop smoking and improve their health and wellbeing.
What does Healthier Futures do?
We put together structured, 12-week programmes backed up by clinical expertise and research. This includes face-to-face or remote sessions held by a heath coach, as well as digital support via a health tracking app.
Where are the programmes available?
The face-to-face sessions for each programme are held in local community venues across East Riding, including the region’s major towns and cities of Hull, Goole, Bridlington and Beverley. Alternatively, the Healthier Lifestyles and Quit Smoking programmes offer remote sessions too.
Healthier Futures provides three key programmes targeted at weight management and stopping smoking. We can also give advice and guidance on other areas about your health and wellbeing.
The NHS Health Check is a free check-up of your overall health for people who are 40 to 74. It can tell you whether you’re at higher risk of getting certain health problems, during the check-up we’ll discuss with you how to reduce your risk of these conditions.
Xyla Health & Wellbeing is a dynamic and accomplished organisation dedicated to making the UK’s local and workplace communities healthier. Working with local authorities, CCGs, NHS England and employers, we design, implement and evaluate innovative health and wellbeing services that will result in long-term health benefits through sustained behaviour change.
Trusted partners
Trusted to provide quality integrated
health and social care to all who rely
on us, from our customers to service
Evidence based expertise
Committed to enable the highest
standards of health and social care
through our evidence-based
Intelligent transformation
Using insight, experience and
ingenuity to improve the delivery of
health and social care services.